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Here is some overview of compiling roarbar.


roarbar has two main parts.

  • roarbar

This contains the source of the main application which doesn't share any code to other parts.

  • roarbar_lib

Here is all the usefull stuff. This library is of course needed by the main application and also by all roarbar plug ins.

Getting the source

roarbar is avialable at the sourceforge SVN repository.

svn co roarbar

Library dependencies

Debian based distro's try this:

apt-get install libqt4-dev libqt4-sql libsqlite0-dev

Thats all for now, list will be updated as soon as new features are added that need new libraries. Plug ins may need other libaries to, but that should be described at the plug in page.

If you have a different linux distribution try to install the above dev libraries with your package manager, or install it on your own.


Change to the directory of the roarbar_lib and execute the following commands.

qmake -o Makefile
make clean && make

Do nearly the same in the roarbar directory.

qmake -o Makefile
make clean && make

If this worked without an error you should have a roarbar_debug executable in your roarbar directory. Execute it and be excited.

By default there will only be a debug build of roarbar, if you want to have a release build, you have to change the file.

Central Makefile

There is a new Makefile in the trunk/ directory which handles compiling of the interesting parts of roarbar. Just cd into the trunk directory and execute this:

make config

This will build roarbar and the most useful plug ins. To start roarbar cd into the roarbar directory and execute
